Callaway Heritage Day, held on Saturday, August 26, 2023, at Callaway Electric Cooperative, is in the history book. The day will long be remembered as wet and soggy, but make no mistake, the spirit of the many people who persevered and came to celebrate our rich Callaway County history was far from dampened!

While the day brought closure to the area’s extreme heat wave with the blessing of much-needed rain, selfishly, we wished for the timing to have been a bit different. But not being afforded that choice, we made the best of the situation, adjusting as needed, and we chose to declare the day a success!

Volunteers worked tirelessly; many were rain-soaked, and attendees waited patiently to go to and from the building between rain showers. A few adjustments were necessary, but everyone was kind, understanding, and adapted quickly.

KCHS wishes to extend a heartfelt thanks to ALL who attended. You are each very appreciated!

The highlight of this year’s CHD was the celebration of the Houf Bicentennial Farm.

Attendees were delighted as they entered the community room to find a most enjoyable and informative display that brought Callaway County history to life! The display depicted the story of the Houf family and property through photos, maps, family heirlooms, and various memorabilia. Attendees were able to peruse the displays while also having the opportunity to personally visit with Houf family members, hearing firsthand the stories of life through the generations on one of Callaway County’s oldest family farms.

During a mid-day program, the Houf family was recognized and presented with a Callaway County-shaped plaque by Joe D. Holt, past KCHS president, recognizing their “200 years and six generations strong” legacy. In addition, a proclamation offered on behalf of the Callaway County Commission was presented by KCHS President Susan Krumm.

KCHS was honored to collaborate with the Houf family and was pleased to have had the opportunity to recognize their unique heritage of six-generation farm ownership of father to son, a rare accruing legacy—a special thank you to each member of the Houf family who contributed in any way.

New activities for CHD this year included the Photo Booth and the Kids’ Scavenger Hunt, along with the debut of the old hit-and-miss engines exhibit.

The Photo Booth showcased a wonderful vintage collection of pictures directly from our own Research Center collection. Finding itself relocated inside the building from the back of a little blue Cushman truck, the booth offered a delightful backdrop for CHD attendees to “snap a memory.”

The Kids’ Scavenger Hunt brought smiles to the faces of many.  Kids 12 years and under explored the exhibits, learning and searching for various tractor, car, truck and farm-related items. Fun prizes like crisp new $10 bills, water balloons, sidewalk chalk, and a wiffle ball set were presented to lucky hunters.

Callaway Heritage Day concluded as the winners of the People’s Choice for favorite tractor, car, and truck and the Exhibitor’s Choice for each class were announced, and trophies were presented. The list of winners is noted below.  

A very special thank you to our exhibitors who help us support the KCHS mission by collecting and preserving old tractors, cars, trucks, and engines. We acknowledge and appreciate the investment each of you has made in your collections. Thank you for sharing them with us!

Following the day’s activities at the CEC grounds, a personally guided tour of the Houf family farm was offered to anyone interested. By then, the clouds had parted, and the rain had come to an end. The parched farmland was grateful for the bounty and had soaked every drop of rain. The temperature was pleasant.   

Larry Houf guided the visit around the farm. Visitors were allowed to see the remains of the original farmstead, visit the family cemetery, and hear stories narrated by Larry. Indeed, it was a most enjoyable experience.

While the weather presented challenges to the day, everyone adapted, and new memories were made, writing a new chapter in the history book of Callaway County.

THANK YOU to everyone who shared the day with us! YOU made Callaway Heritage Day 2023 a success!

Callaway Heritage Day 2023 Committee

Mike Auer, Jim Buffington, Gary Franklin, Barbara Huddleston, Rodney Latty and Jayne Wills, event chair



PEOPLE’S CHOICE:         Bernard Welschmeyer   1957 Oliver Super 44



1940 AND OLDER:         Karl & Carrie Macke       1937 John Deere D

1941 – 1960:                 Brian Schmidt    1954 Farmall Super MTA

1961 – 1979                  Shawn Borgman            1969 International Harvester 1256


PEOPLE’S CHOICE:         Ron Greenup                1955 Ford Crown Victoria



1955 – 1967                  Ron Greenup                1955 Ford Crown Victoria

1968 – 1975                  Kenneth Marriott          1972 GM Opal

1976 – 1989                  Richard Vaughn             1976 Chevy Corvette



PEOPLE’S CHOICE:         James Allen                   1955 International R-110



1933 – 1954                  David Stieferman           1938 Ford F-1

1955 – 1978                  Matthew Borgmeyer     1972 Chevy K-20

2023 Callaway Heritage Day Event Photos

On Saturday, August 27, 2022, over 500 people gathered on the Callaway Electric Cooperative grounds to participate in the 2022 Callaway Heritage Day Tractor, Car and Truck Show celebrating the Callaway Century Farm of John Board.

Exhibitors and spectators spent the day touring the grounds, admiring the vintage tractors, classic cars and trucks, and interacting with the array of historical displays. Families and friends reminisced and swapped stories, enjoyed great food, and even a little friendly competition.

We had 38 tractors, 53 cars, and 20 trucks take part in the first-ever show. In addition, the CEC community room was filled with various historical displays, including an informative Century Farm presentation, commemorative and historical quilts, and an interactive quilting project for all to enjoy.

The 2022 Callaway Heritage Day Committee included event chair Jayne Wills, and committee members Mike Auer, Jim Buffington, Bruce Hackmann, Barb Huddleston, and Rodney Latty.

2022 Event Photos